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Should you own campaign landing page

Blogging Best Practices

Written by: Srini Kollabathula

Feb 16, 2022

Feb 16, 2022 | Our Exclusives

Should you own campaign landing page

Our Exclusives

Srini Kollabathula


Campaign landing page is the destination page which a potential customer lands on after interacting with an online advertisement.

Landing page is a vital asset for executing marketing campaigns. The design and presentation of these pages plays significant role in success of marketing campaigns.

What are Pre-configured landing pages:

Today, there are landing pages hosted and available for subscription from cloud hosted providers. One might find that such content is easy to use and quick to get started. They do not require development, but you may want to consider below point before using them

  1. Pre-configured landing requires redirecting customers to a page on third party site which is not your business website, this is an important point to realize and is explained in the next section.
  2. Does a ready to use landing page accurately present the unique value proposition
  3. Do you have the flexibility to make adjustments to the landing page.

Why keep campaign pages as part of your website.

  • Page ranking: Campaigns drive a lot of traffic to business website and website ranking goes up if campaign page is part of website. Customer can easily engage with other content based on interest if they are on your website instead of a third-party site.
  • Bounce rate: Sending customers outside of your website will be considered as Bounce rate / exit and can impact page ranking negatively.
  • Control: Customer behavior can be understood and analyzed for making improvements if the traffic comes to your website.
  • Click to action: Customer will be more comfortable and trust your website more than a third-party website / page, there could be more conversions if campaign pages are part of your website. Customer behavior can be understood and monetize more opportunity through CTA (click to action)

Why hire marketing experts to make your landing page.

  • Experts who are specialists in designing landing pages can present your unique value proposition effectively when compared to a cookie cutter hosted by third party.
  • It is important to keep the page as part of your website, so hiring a specialist gives the additional value, as you own the asset and it is part of your website, there is no monthly fee. You normally spend a onetime fee to make the page.

High performing landing pages should be part of your own website. Best practices have evolved and matured overtime to support this view. As your business evolves in its marketing journey you can improve and update the campaign pages to match your marketing needs, only if you own them. You can also enable your team to optimize or contribute to landing page development, it saves time and cost for your business.


Hiring marketing experts will make a huge difference

A specialist marketing agency like Kotes can place high emphasis on conversion, it comes from a combinaton of smart feautures places in right context and location. Our landing page design has bought success to several of our clients.

Pls read our success stories on landing page redesign. Success story


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