Your preschool website is fantastic but your enrollment numbers are low?

Written by Srini Kollabathula

May 27, 2024


Are you seeing good traffic on your preschool wesbite but less conversion to tours? The problem could be not using right CTAs which match the content. Your preschool website is vital for explaining the specifics of the services being offered. Your website content must be simple to understand and at same time explain the advantages of your school and answering why should a parents consider your school over other schools. A discussion about how to describe your schools’ advantages using an attention-grabbing website content will be a separate blog article by itself. In this blog I want discuss about how to improve the click to actions (CTA) on your website to increase conversions.


Preschool CTA

Website metrics to analyze

Now, consider that your webpage is good or at least average then you might see high Active Time on some website pages, this means parents visiting your website are not quitting your website immediately.

Metrics to gauge customer engagement on the preschool website are, scroll depth, which is measured as how far down the content was viewed before customer exited the page.

Scroll depth is viewed from top to down and is usually higher than 30% if the content is relevant, scroll depth also reflects the user experience.

Heatmap, another key performance indicators tells how the users engaged with the website content. Using heatmap you can tell which elements on the webpage captured the customer attention.

These are some indicators that your webpage content is interesting and relevant for what your customers are searching.

By now you probably know what I am trying to explain here, it is Not just enough to put the best content and provide great user experience you still need Click to Actions (CTAs) to capture the user response which will be the starting point of a Sale.

Click to Actions (CTA) for Preschool websites

Examples of CTAs for early education industry are.

Schedule a Tour – Encourages parents to visit the school and see the facilities in person, meet the teachers, check the environment, and see the curriculum in action. Usually, School Tours are provided by Appointment so offering an appointment booking feature to customers can simplify. It is important to note that Tour indicates a higher level of interest from the parent. On the cons, tour introduces delayed process and more effort form parents.

Call us Now– This CTA action is highly effective, offers personal interaction and immediate answers to parents who like to talk directly especially before a school tour. This CTA can be used along with other CTAs. The phone number can be placed on the header, Footer and in Contact Us page. There are many apps which will allow a user to place a call to the user from the website with One-Click, these apps can be affective in gaining phone call leads.

preschool tour
Preschool tour

Enroll Now – Direct and Action oriented, this CTA is used when you want to drive immediate enrollments, especially effective during enrollment season and at specific locations on the webpage such as the end of pages after all the relevant information and social proof has been provided. Enroll Now can also be used in the header or in the main sections of program pages like Schedule a Tour. While this CTA simplifies in the enrollment process it may be too forward for parents who want to more about the school first.

Learn More – Used in multiple places especially on tiles and section which will direct users to specific pages.

Register for a Free Trial Day – A low-commitment option that allows parents and children to experience the school first-hand.

Download Our Parent’s GuideProvides useful information while capturing contact details for follow-up.

Join Our Waiting List – Useful for schools with limited spots or high demand.

Subscribe to Our Newsletter – Keeps interested parents informed about school events, updates, and educational tips.

Meet Our Staff – Builds trust by introducing potential clients to the team of educators and staff.

Contact Us / Ask a question: – General and versatile, useful for any inquiries.

Preschool Website

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